Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Well hello there blog, it's nice to see you again...

I don't even know where to begin, I am so behind blogging so I will just start with what is current and if you missed any major holidays check my facebook :) I tend to post pictures far more often on facebook then I do here...

Tonight was Madelynn's half birthday, I know I know... Who celebrates half birthdays?!? Well I do! I mean, I don't, but she's HALF a year old! That's CRAZY to me! I was actually up last night at 12:15 (HA! Just looked at the clock typing that, and it's exactly 12:15!!!!) Anyway, it occurred to me that 6 months ago to the minute I went in to labor with her, and the rest is history. So we celebrated her half birthday, I most likely won't do it again, but it was fun this time around :) I was going to bake a "half" cake myself, but then got to thinking it's not really her birthday, so why not celebrate her "unbirthday".  So that's what we did, a good childhood friend of mine bakes cupcakes and cakes as a hobby/2nd profession, so I asked her to make a special unbirthday cake for Maddie and boy did she deliver! The cake was so gorgeous I didn't want to touch it! But Maddie definitely enjoyed what little I would let her touch it.. I think I was most concerned with her actually getting any in her mouth. I know she needs to start solids like now, but I was overly concerned with her consuming sugar as her first solid...

We HAD to put the hat on her head!

Straight in the mouth!!

 She had fun with it..
We took the cake away from her before it was completely inedible, and I'm glad we did.  It was delicious!!! 

We had a great time, and I am glad Maddie was able to celebrate such a fun UNbirthday, I can't WAIT till her first REAL birthday!!