Sunday, November 28, 2010

On the day you were born...

I have been meaning to sit down and write about this for some time but have yet to have a chance to do so. So, for those interested, here is the story of how Madelynn was born.
It was a cold stormy night..
No wait, that's another story...

Ok, here it goes...
I found out I was pregnant November 19, 2009 via pregnancy test, but the doctor confirmed it on November 25th.  I was thrilled and so excited, but had one teeny tiny detail on my mind- well 2 teeny tiny details, but well go with the first for the sake of this story.  My bestest friend in the whole wide world had asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, set for just 4 days before my due date.  I was not planning to tell ANYONE I was pregnant till at least after December 5th, but really until after the 12th week of my pregnancy had past, and while that was the plan of attack, it was eating inside me that Tracie was counting on me as a bridesmaid, and I was pretty much assuming that I would no longer be able to be there for her.
I called to let her know that I was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad friend, but that I had this WONDERFUL news all at the same time.  Needless to say, she was even more excited than I was about MY news, and told me not to worry the slightest bit about the wedding- I still felt horrible, but promised her, that as long as I was not physically in labor I would be there.
I told my husband the same thing, to which he laughed, and told me there was no way I would be able to go to San Diego at 9 months pregnant and survive a wedding.  To which, I spent the next 9 months making sure I would.
I even used the wedding as an excuse to not gain excess weight, as I was certain I would be in the Guinness book of records as the fattest bridesmaid to ever exist- However, once the cravings really kicked in, it was as if I was being held hostage within my own body, and at any cost would be required to eat the syrup.  Yeah, I craved nothing but pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls- Anything and everything I could put syrup on I did.  So much for looking good in a dress!
I had a relatively easy pregnancy, I was sick the first 3 months, but at 14 week on the dot, it went away and never came back.  I dealt with some sciatic pain, but it gave me an excuse to not have to tend to my daily/weekly chores, and I was exhausted from pretty much the beginning to the very last day, but have a WONDERFUL and AMAZING husband who went to work each and every day to ensure that not only did I not have to work during my pregnancy, but would allow me to stay home once sweet Madelynn was born.
All in all, everything was going well, and at each and every doctor appointment I went to the baby was on track pretty much to the date and all looked as though, not only would she not be early, but maybe even a little late (I had a bottle of Castor oil waiting on the sidelines just in case).  I maintained that as long as I was not in labor on the day of, or a day or two before, I would be in San Diego for Tracie's wedding.
The weeks and months came and went, and before I knew it we were to July.  Madelynn was to be born in less than a month!  I was beside myself with joy and excitement and could NOT WAIT for her arrival.  And, before I knew it, I was not only packing a bag for the hospital but for the wedding as well! We made it down to San Diego, and although I was EXHAUSTED, I was not feeling as though labor was anytime soon.

 Looking back at her wedding pictures now, Tracie probably wishes I had been in labor!!


July 24th- No contractions what so ever, Hair, Makeup, Dress, Shoes- check
I should say, that if I thought I was going to make it to the ceremony, my biggest concern was that my water would break right in the middle of the ceremony- Now although it was a running joke between Tracie and I that it possibly could- I was planning an exit strategy in the event that it did- and it involved never speaking to any of my friends again- So I am very thankful that it didn't!

I made it through the ceremony, and could not get my shoes off fast enough once it was over.  I went to the reception in such an exhausted state, that I actually do not remember much of it at all.  I do remember leaving shortly after the cake was cut to go back to the room. I know we got back right around 11pm, I left my bobby pins in, did not wash my face, crawled in to bed and crashed. Then I had to pee.  I looked at the clock and it said 12:15.  I sat up in bed and my water broke (thank god I wasn't in my bed!) I actually did not know if my water had broke, or I had peed but I woke Jawad
We arrived to the hospital at about 2am, and sure enough of the small percentage of women whose water actually breaks prior to labor I was one of them.  I blame/thank Ashlee for making me wear the most ridiculous shoes on the planet.

We checked in to Labor and Delivery (hair and makeup still done by the way) and were told to get some sleep. HA!  Jawad actually crashed on the couch that was provided in the room immediately and I sat and read magazines that were still in my bag from the wedding (thanks Trace!).
At 6am a nurse came in to check on me.  I was still not having any contractions and was only dilated to 3cm.   She wanted to start the pitocin but I was really trying to avoid it, if at all possible.  She told me she would give me till 10am, for the contractions to start on their own, or she would need to get them going herself.  10am came around, and still nothing, I told her I would get up and walk around the hospital to see if it helped at all, and after 20 minutes or so of walking, my sciatic was hurting so bad, my leg was starting to go numb.  So, I went back to the room, and gave in, but asked for them to start the epidural as quickly after the pitocin as they were able to.

 At around 1pm, they started the IV, and at around 2pm the contractions started- or should I say, took over my entire body.  They felt just seconds apart, and I was unable to do anything but beg Jawad and my doctors to give me the epidural.  Turns out the anesthesiologist was in surgery, but I was told would be to my room as soon as he was done.  I spent the next few hours, begging for any drugs they would give me, and remember at one point, telling the doctor I just wanted a c- section (pain will make you say some crazy things).  At 5pm, I was finally given an epidural, and the next thing I remember was the doctor saying it was time to start pushing.  It must have been about 6, because Maddie was born at 7:19pm.

7pounds 1ounce, 19.5 inches and a full head of hair.  She was beautiful and I could not believe she was finally here.

You are just perfect sweet baby girl! And your auntie thanks you for your cooperation! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I loved reading this! But, I disagree with a few points that you made:
    1. You looked absolutely gorgeous on my wedding day and I love having little Maddie in all of my wedding pictures! I especially love the one of Jami feeling her kick!
    2. You were not a terrible, no good, very bad friend! You were my first friend to make me an "auntie"!
    Love you and Madelynn soooo much! I can't wait to watch her grow and give her little friends to play with ; ) xoxoxo
